Empowerment Company in Need of Marketing Strategies and Support.


Faith and Sparkle’s World is an empowerment company that specialises in empowering parents and children.

Website: faithandsparklesworld.com

They came to us wanting help with their marketing, from copywriting, Pinterest Management and SEO to graphics and creative input! The results they are seeing only a month into working with us are incredible and can only get even better!

The Challenge

They wanted to be able to focus on what matters to them, which is putting their word out there and doing what they do best!

They knew that they needed to put a focus on their marketing which is why they approached us.

The Process

Understand WHO

Strategies and Implementation

Their Audience Feeling Empowered and Ranking on Google!

The Results

Just a month into working with us they:

  • Have had articles that we wrote for them published to BIG publishing companies
  • Have seen an increase in traffic of over 100 people clicking to their website in just 2 days from our web page boosts.
  • Have an increase in clicks through Pinterest Management.
  • Have their Crowdfundr Page copy done.
  • Have consistent well-optimised Blog Posts to help them rank on Google for their target keywords and increase their traffic.
  •  Have an eye-catching and connecting graphic design and written copy for their E-Book.

Faith and Sparkle's World Testimonial

Delisa Abraham
Faith and Sparkle's World

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